
By JohnBarnes

UTI Treatments: Natural and Simple Ways

Up to 40% of women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) at one time or another in their lifetime. Symptoms of uTIs are usually caused by bacteria. They can include a burning sensation in the urogenital area, increased urination and pain.

Untreated UTIs may lead to kidney damage or other serious complications. In extreme cases, you will need immediate medical attention. If the symptoms persist for more than one day, you should visit your doctor to get checked before self-medicating with antibiotics or self-medicating.

If you are experiencing mild symptoms, there are simple, natural home remedies you can try:

Keep hydrated

UTI sufferers can use water as a home remedy. Water can flush out bacteria and prevent the formation of kidney stones. It also dilutes your urine, which helps to prevent bacteria from multiplying.

Your body is approximately 60% water. To keep your bladder healthy and free from infection, it is important to make sure you are getting enough fluids each day. This includes at least six glasses of water daily, or other beverages such as unsweetened green or natural fruit juices.

Drink lots of water, green tea, and herbal teas until you feel completely better. You should continue to drink water until your symptoms disappear completely.

Probiotics should be taken in greater quantities

Probiotics are bacteria which is friendly to your body and fights against harmful bacteria. Probiotics can be found naturally in fermented foods like pickles, sauerkraut and pickles as well as supplement form. Probiotics are available for women to help with annoying infections.

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VitaPost’s Urinary Tract Support can help you if your UTI is being treated with antibiotics. It can restore normal bacterial flora to the area that was destroyed during treatment.

Even if you don’t have a UTI, make sure you include probiotics in your daily life. Probiotics should be taken both before and after antibiotic treatment. They can kill both good bacteria and bad bacteria.

Increase your Vitamin C intake

Vitamin C is essential UTI medicine. Vitamin C helps to boost your immune system, and protect you against harmful bacteria. Vitamin C-rich orange juice is the best way to combat UTIs quickly. Make sure you have some at home.

Whole fruits are better than juices if you don’t like the taste of them. These fruits are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients. Supplements and pills that are not specifically designed for UTIs should be avoided. It may prove difficult to determine the correct dosage. There is always the possibility of side effects.

Cranberry Juice

Although cranberries have been traditionally used for centuries to treat UTIs it is not yet clear how they work against urinary tract infections. Some studies have found that cranberries are rich in proanthocyanidins. These natural antiseptics can prevent harmful bacteria from adhering to your bladder wall.

Cranberry juice also contains vitamins C and K which are very effective in fighting bacterial infections of the urinary tract. You should only drink unsweetened cranberry liquid and not the sugary syrup found in supermarkets if you are interested in trying cranberry extract. For even more powerful results, you can try cranberry tablets.

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Honey as a Remedies

Honey has been used for centuries to treat many ailments. It’s not surprising that honey is still one of today’s most effective remedies for urinary tract infection. Honey has antibacterial properties which will kill harmful bacteria that can cause your infection.

Honey is not a drink so you must ensure that it is properly absorbed into your body before treating the infection. You can either eat honey as it is or add a few drops of unfiltered honey to your mouth.

Pineapple for Urinary Tract Infections

High sugar levels are the main reason pineapple is recommended for home remedies for urinary tract infection. This can make your body more susceptible to bacteria, particularly E.coli, which is one of the leading causes of UTIs.

You can fight your UTI by simply eating fresh pineapples or drinking the juice. When you smell strong urine again, it is a sign that the treatment is working. This is a sign that the E.coli bacteria are in your urine. This makes pineapple an effective home remedy for urinary tract infections.

Increase your Immunity

UTIs can be prevented by your body’s natural defense systems. Zinc supplements can help improve your immunity for day-to-day usage. Zinc supplements can also increase insulin production by the pancreas, which will help your body fight infections.

Practice sexual hygiene

You can also introduce bacteria to your body through sexual intercourse. To prevent reinfection, you must practice good sexual hygiene after treating UTI. You should always urinate after having sex. Use protection like condoms and clean your genitals.

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Avoid sugar and processed foods

Sugar intake can cause a weak immune system that can lead to urinary tract infections. You can also get a UTI from processed foods that contain many additives. It is best to stick to home-cooked meals whenever possible.

Bottom line

UTI is a common bacterial condition among women. However, it is one of the easiest infections to treat. You can treat it at home by drinking plenty of water and taking probiotics. You should be cautious with home remedies and consult a doctor if you feel things are getting out of control.

Vita Post’s Urinary Tract Support is a great option if you have had repeated UTI infections. Vita Post’s Urinary Tract Support is the best probiotic for women and does a great job in making sure that UTI is not recurring in your life. Get yours now, you won’t regret buying this powerful UTI medication.